Analysts: Bitcoin Will Live Through Every Bank Failure. There have been many bank failures as of late.

15 Jun 2023, 08:00
Analysts: Bitcoin Will Live Through Every Bank Failure There have been many bank failures as of late. The good news according to several analysts is that bitcoin is not only going to survive the onslaught, but it will come out with a bright, shining halo over its head at the end. Bitcoin Is a FighterAt the time of writing, several financial institutions such as Signature and Silicon Valley Bank are crashing, and not long ago, First Republic joined the group. Enkeo Knorr co-founder of Hong Kong-based financial firm Stabolut and the BTC-backed stable coin USB said in a recent interview: Anything can happen still, according to the many voices from government agencies that don’t understand crypto and want it to die. We are very worried about how things [will] evolve in the upcoming weeks. The future of crypto is being decided now.